Ente per la Formazione e l’addestramento professionale nell’edilizia -Formedil-
Formedil (Institute for VET in Construction Sector) was created in 1980, promoted by the key associations in the construction sector, signatories of the Collective Agreement (ANCE, Feneal Uil, Filca CISL, CGIL FILLEA), all of them with a parity participation in the management of Formedil.
In Italy, VET for the construction sector is established by a joint national training system regulated by national collective agreements for industry, cooperatives, SMEs and craftworks.
The main aim of Formedil is the national promotion, application and coordination of training, qualification and updating of the sector workers. These activities are carried out by means of the construction of local schools built according to the need of the local labour market.
Formedil promotes agreements and memoranda of understanding with the public bodies in charge of the issues related to training and education and participates in national and international projects that support students and trainers from training centres focused on construction.
Address: Via Guattani, 24. 00161 Roma (Italy).
Web: www.formedil.it
E-mail: formedil@formedil.it

FundaciónLaboral de la Construcción
Since 1992, FundaciónLaboral de la Construcción (FLC) –Construction Labour Foundation– hasbeenworking to provide companies and workers with the resourcesneeded to makepossible a more professional, safer, qualified and future-orientedsector.
With thisaim, the National Construction Confederation (CNC), CCOO Federation of Construction and Services, and Industry, Construction and AgricultureFederation (UGT-FICA) joined to formthis non-for-profit parityorganisation.
FLC represents a referencingbodywithin the constructionsector, and a keyally to work for the future of companies and workers with regards to occupationalhealth and safety, training, sustainability and new technologies.
Thousands of constructionworkers are annuallytrained in one of its45 training centres. The training offerconsistsof more than 400 training actions, and more than 100 ownmanualsaboutdifferentconstructionsubjects. FLC counts on the collaborationof more than 1500 trainers in Spain.
Training isfocused on constructionactivities and iseminentlypractical and high-quality; itsmainaimsis to (re)qualifyworkers and to contribute to theiremployability and professionaldevelopment.
Address: C/ Rivas, 25, 28025 Madrid (Spain).
Web: www.fundacionlaboral.org
E-mail: internationalprojects@fundacionlaboral.org

FundaciónLaboral de la Construcción del Principado de Asturias (FLC Asturias), created in 1988 by means of a Foundation Agreement subscribed by the Employers’ Organisations and the Trade Unions in the Asturian region (Spain), is an equality-based, non-profit organization and its scope of activity includes the companies and employees of the construction sector. Funding comes by Compulsory business contributions set in the Agreement subscribed by the social partners.
Its main foundational purposes are:
- Economic benefits for the construction workers in Asturias (such as housing and family support)
- Vocational training for construction workers and enterprises
- Job placement agency for construction workers and enterprises
Training has always been a priority as a tool for improving the sector since 1991. This has allowed to cover the training needs of construction workers and companies, providing quality training acknowledged by the European Union, among other institutions, as a “Model of Good Practices” in 1999. FLC Asturias is certified with the quality systems: EFQM+400, ISO9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
With a current staff of approximately 50 employees, over 70.000 people have been trained and more than 5.600 training courses related to a wide variety of construction professions have been carried out.
Through its two vocational training schools FLC Asturias has a broad experience in the designing and undertaking of VET training in construction, aimed at unemployed people, employers and employees of the construction sector. It also participates in the development of new innovative pedagogical methodologies and training materials in Vocational and Educational Training (VET); development and implementation of EU-projects under particular programmes (European Social Fund, ERASMUS+); as well as VET mobility projects for students and entrepreneurs. FLC Asturias takes part in the transnational activities of the European ReFormE network of construction VET providers since 1986, holding its Presidency from 2008 to 2012 (www.reforme.org).
Address: L’Alto’lCaleyu, 2 · E – 33170
Ribera de Arriba · Principado de Asturias
Website: www.flc.es
E-mail: flc@flc.es

VšĮVilniausstatybininkųrengimocentras/Vilnius Builders Training Centre (VSRC) is a vocationalinstitutionprovidingvocationaleducation and training for youngpeople (from 15years of age) and adults (retrainingcourses). The Centre wasfounded in 1946 and isone of the main providers of qualityvocationaleducation and training for constructionsector in Lithuania. The Centre offers a diverse range of courses and excellentfacilities in the main area of Building and Construction. Areas of study include: Brickwork, Joinery and Carpentry, Decoration/Finishing, Furnituremaking, Landscaping, Restoration/ Refurbishment, Building electrician, Plumbing, Computer design. The totalnumber of studentsstudyingat the Centre is 1100, and the number of teaching staff is 74. The training isperformed in the workshops and laboratoriesequipped with up-to-date machinery and tools. All staff at the Centre havegainedvaluable, first handexperienceworking in theirchosenfields. VSRC hasestablishedclose networking links with employers and localindustry, Vilnius College, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, whichensurethat the coursespreparestudents for the careerstheyintend to pursue.
Since 1999 the Centre hasbeenactivelyinvolved in differentnational and Europeanprojects and hasdevelopedclosecooperation with a number of European VET institutions. In 2015 the Centre becameone of the 14 VET organisations in Lithuania to be awarded the Erasmus+ Mobility Charter.

Founded in 1088, the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO) is known as the oldest University of the western world. Nowadays, UNIBO remains one of the most important institutions of higher education across Europe with 11 Schools, 33 Departments and more than 87.000 students; it is organized in a multi-campus structure with 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini), and, since 1998, also a permanent headquarters in Buenos Aires.
With regard to the international reputation, UNIBO has been awarded the use of the logo “HR Excellence in Research” and is among the top 5 Italian universities in the main International rankings, e.g., the only Italian University (182nd position) in the top 200 of the international QS – World University Rankings of the world best universities since 2010 and the only Italian which has appeared in the top 100 of the QS – World University Rankings by Subject in all the 5 macro-areas of knowledge (only 7 University in Europe and 37 in total).
The Department of Architecture (DA) has a comprehensive expertise in the building environment sector: building design, urban regeneration, restoration and preservation of buildings, building technology, construction management, building maintenance. The DA is one of the Department of Excellence selected by the Ministry of Education, University and Research that awards the best Italian departments. Within the DA, the Planning and Regeneration research group has a well-known experience in the field of spatial planning and in integrating sustainability principles to planning tools.
Address: Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna (Italy)
Web: www.da.unibo.it ; site.unibo.it/planningandregeneration/en
E-mail: planningandregeneration@live.unibo.it; simona.tondelli@unibo.it

Panevezys Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (Panevezys CCIC) is a non-governmental entrepreneurial organization established in 1991 and operating in the north-eastern region of Lithuania.
Its members are companies from different business sectors as well as educational institutions; membership is voluntary. The Chamber represents interests of its members, promotes business development and international trade, takes an active part in various international projects and programmes.
Panevezys CCIC is a member of EUROCHAMBRES, European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Hanse-Parlament.
Address: Respublikos 34, Panevezys, Lithuania
Web: www.ccic.lt
E-mail: panevezys@chambers.lt

The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level. Its headquarters and Secretariat are located in Brussels. Its membership currently consists of 44 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, and accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 600.000 architects from 31 countries in Europe.
The principal function of the ACE is to monitor developments at EU level, seeking to influence those areas of EU Policy and legislation that have an impact on architectural practice and on the overall quality and sustainability of the built environment.
The ACE is dedicated to the better understanding of technical, environmental and cultural values and to the promotion of the highest standards of education and practice in architecture. Its mandate is to ensure that the views and expertise of the profession are delivered to the institutions of the European Union and to seek, as far as possible, consensus among its Members in all of its policy positions. Its policy is defined and approved by the General Assembly of all the Member Organisations, meeting twice yearly.
Address: 29 rue Paul Emile Janson , B-1050 Brussels
Web: www.ace-cae.eu
E-mail: info@ace-cae.eu

I.I.P.L.E. – Vocational Training Institute for Construction Workers in Bologna, established in 1947, has been providing training for all professional profiles in the construction industry for over 70 years in order to update, qualify and refine employees in the building sector, as well as professionals and young people who wish to join this sector.
It is an Institute for training provided by the Collective Labor Agreement in the construction industry and it is managed by a Board of Directors equally made up by The Association of Businesses and The Workers Trade Union.
I.I.P.L.E. headquarters is equipped with laboratories, test machineries and instruments that allow to carry out experimental activities on new building materials, components, architectural structures and the efficiency of energy saving systems.
I.I.P.L.E. operates in the following areas:
Construction techniques, Energy efficiency, Machinery and equipment, Safety at work, Urban and land planning, Management and quality, ITC.
Address: Via del Gomito, 7 – 40127 Bologna – Tel. 051/327605 – Fax 051/326668