About Icaro Project
Icaro is an International project that aims at training a new generation of site technicians able to respond to the challenges imposed by new technologies and new regulatory framework in the building sector. There is a need for a generational change, steering the young and unemployed towards qualified professions. The gender issue will also play a central role: only 10 per cent of graduates in vocational training in the building sector are women, we want this percentage to increase rapidly.
The Icaro project will have a positive impact on youth employment, promoting high quality training that is appealing and relevant for the labour market.
The project partners are 3 national vocational training centres operating in the building sector (FORMEDIL, FLC, VSRC), a regional centre (FLC ASTURIAS), a provincial centre (IIPLE), a European professional association (ACE), a Chamber of Commerce (PANEVEZYS CHAMBER) and a university (ALMA MATER – UNIBO).
Networking will be essential to achieve the objectives described, with the development of a methodology to enhance certification and qualification schemes and a more efficient use of European tools in order to render the same more transparent.
Latest news
The fifth Icaro project newsletter has been published
We publish the fifth newsletter of the Icaro project Newsletter n.5 March 2021
Icaro project: the closing event recording is online
ICARO is an Erasmus+ project with the objective of developing a new qualification of ‘Construction Site Technician’, a multi-disciplinary profile able to face the new challenges of the construction industry. The qualification scheme has been [...]
Watch the promotional video of Icaro project
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