About Icaro Project

Icaro is an International project that aims at training a new generation of site technicians able to respond to the challenges imposed by new technologies and new regulatory framework in the building sector. There is a need for a generational change, steering the young and unemployed towards qualified professions. The gender issue will also play a central role: only 10 per cent of graduates in vocational training in the building sector are women, we want this percentage to increase rapidly.

The Icaro project will have a positive impact on youth employment, promoting high quality training that is appealing and relevant for the labour market.

The project partners are 3 national vocational training centres operating in the building sector (FORMEDIL, FLC, VSRC), a regional centre (FLC ASTURIAS), a provincial centre (IIPLE), a European professional association (ACE), a Chamber of Commerce (PANEVEZYS CHAMBER) and a university (ALMA MATER – UNIBO).

Networking will be essential to achieve the objectives described, with the development of a methodology to enhance certification and qualification schemes and a more efficient use of European tools in order to render the same more transparent.

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